Monday, March 26, 2012

Map of Regions of Colombia

This article is an adventure experience that the author had traveled all over Colombia, South America, by taxis and buses with a surfboard in tow. This is a detailed description of what is traveling on a low budget in a country marvelous and mysterious, a sort of map regions of Colombia.

I focus on more than a map of regions of Colombia.

Never forget the look on the face of Colombian peasant man. My wife just explained to him in Spanish that what I have in my hand under his arm is indeed a surfboard, although we were in a Colombian village that was located somewhere in the middle of the Andes , hundreds of miles from any ocean. After hearing this news the man made a joke about us. Then smiled revealing a mouthful of rotten teeth. Shortly after he shook his head, put his hands in the front pockets of his hand woven poncho Inca style, he turned and walked down the only street in town. When he reached the city center, a gust of wind blew down the street and touched the black felt hat on his head. As I was watching I chased after by a cloud of dust, I said to myself, "I have to" "get to the ocean."

I was beginning to feel like a fish out of water. Surfers can not be far from the sea for too long, they begin to "dry out". As I was standing on that dirt road in this dusty little town, I realized that I had not seen the sea in more than one month. More importantly, he had sailed. A half of a two-month trip around the country of Colombia, South America, we were on our way to a small Caribbean beach on the northeast corner of the country for a much needed break from the madness that had experienced so far on that trip, learn something different to the sea, bone a territory, as a kind of map regions of Colombia in my head, had spent the holidays traveling from Bogota to Medellin and Bogota then back again to visit and visit with several different members of the family of my wife. There have been some setbacks along the way involving pickpockets and thugs. Until then it was not fun, and we'll leave it at that.

Traveling on a budget in a foreign country is the best way to experience the true culture of that country, but can be very taxing on your soul. We could not afford plane tickets, or tickets to fly all over the country, so we had to take buses and taxis in place, this allowed to know the map of regions of Colombia, is living. Some of these bus trips took more than two days to reach our destination. We traveled through some of the most remote areas of Colombia, changing buses and radio taxis all the way. On the way we saw some of the most beautiful scenery on earth, and saw some very interesting, intense and strange. The black magic and curses are practiced in many parts of Colombia, and I can not say anything more on that subject, for fear that you might think of me as crazy, there are things that can not be explained in this world, and many of they occur in Colombia.

To follow that map regions of Colombia, there were other things that happened that were even more terrifying than the black magic, say it's never a good thing for his bus stopped in the middle of the night by men who seek Gross with machine guns on a roll, dark mountain road, guerrillas, paramilitaries, criminals? That's the story of any other for another time.

 Back to our story, we were about four hours north of Bucaramanga, and waiting to board yet another bus colors, all I could think at that moment I was surfing and relaxing in this place called Tayrona. I was told you can sit in your own grass hut "Hut" and watch the waves from your porch, for those unfamiliar with the sport of surfing, which sounds almost as good as it gets for a surfer. It was not easy to carry that surfboard in the whole territory of Colombia, as I have been calling "map regions of Colombia." We landed in Bogota in the center of the country a month before, and I had been schlepping around with our other luggage on a bus or taxi to the other since then, it was like I was living my own small version of the film Fitzcaraldo and my surfboard was the ship that was going through many miles of dry land, I was determined to make the effort to pay.

While we were waiting for our bus in the small mountain village we were inundated by the usual local people try to sell things, my wife, who is a native of Colombia made the most of the conversation of those negotiations, these small towns along the main roads of Colombia survive on money from people who are passing through, or waiting for the bus. The local Indians selling everything from bags of purified water, empanadas (meat and potato rotation filling made with corn dough). My wife and I had been surviving on food and water provided by the people for most of our trip. Surprisingly, none of us had been sick yet. However, most of this food was delicious, you have to wonder about the practices of cooking and cleaning in a city that has no running water, something tells me that if the cook had a choice between using their last bucket of water to wash their hands before cooking or have water to drink the next day, they had to give up the cleaning, I tried not to think about things like that on that trip, I only thought about how much flavor to items made in home with ingredients that have their own harvest.

On the map of regions of Colombia we find people who can cook in Colombia. Wow! The food in this country just seemed to taste much more than food that was used in the United States. We really experienced the authentic food of Colombia, "donuts" pandebonos "," arepas ", whatever and tried along the way. We were on a budget, however, eat good food is good, people that made this food were as poor as can be, but that could make food like no other on earth, The freshness, the lack of pesticides, and soil rich in nutrients, they also have much to do with the food tastes so good.

After eating our share of pies we bought a woman from a small village with an old hand-woven basket, we were ready for a fresh fruit smoothie mixed in the map of regions of Colombia had always several of these shakes that in every town we stopped along the way, and always made sure to show us at least one. No matter how small of a stand, the seller had provided electricity to run the blender, refrigerator, and the boom box. He immediately ordered a pair of "tomato tree" in a nearby shakes, and then sat on an old wooden bench provided by the supplier beaten.

We told the driver of the last bus to our next bus should be along "shortly", had been my experience so far that this driver may or may not be right. Sometimes, the bus arrived immediately and the transfer went smoothly ie at a certain location on the map of regions of Colombia, we changed transportation. Other times we ended up waiting long periods of time between transfers.

The mountain roads and leftist guerrilla zones, loaded traveling through these buses can cause long delays, to say the least. Hanging in this small town in the middle of nowhere, in the foothills of the Andes mountains waiting for the bus was quite exasperating, the inhabitants of these types of cities were always very suspicious of anyone who stayed after a bus was , most people just pass through. They were especially suspicious of a gringo with a surfboard and a Colombian woman, there was a war in that country, wherever we wanted everyone to know which way we were, as we sat in the dusty one-horse town in a remote area of ​​Colombia, I knew we would have a long wait, agonizing, and follow the map regions of Colombia.

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